View from Casuarina camping area, Glen Rock SF |
The vegetation communities range from open woodlands and rocky escarpments to dry vine scrub and rainforest.
Time: Arrive any time, but meet at the large shelter shed in the lower section of the day-use area next to Casuarina Camping Area at 4 pm for happy hour (or two).
Where: East Haldon, south of Gatton
Directions: The easiest way is to find your own way to Lake Apex, Gatton. Turn left immediately after the Lake Apex parklands into Tenthill Creek Rd. Follow this for a little more than 8½ km when you’ll come to a T-junction with a sign to Glen Rock National Park. Turn right though you’re still on Tenthill Creek Rd. After 1½ km cross Tenthill Creek and turn left into Mt Sylvia Rd. Stay on this road for approximately 21½ km then keep left onto East Haldon Rd. Follow this to the end.
Activities: Usual stuff, birdwatching, botanizing, photography - Two walking tracks are shared with horses though one short one is for walkers only.
Level of Fitness: Easy to as hard as you want to go, please yourself.
Facilities: showers (cold water only - brrrr), toilets and fireplaces.
Open fires: permitted in the fireplaces provided, except when fire bans or prohibitions apply. Bring your own firewood. Do not collect wood from the park. Fuel stoves are recommended.
Generator use: prohibited.
Essentials to bring: drinking water, food, rubbish bags, firewood,
What else to Bring: binocs, cameras, field guides, insect repellent, wine, etc.
Upon Arrival: Please register in the Attendance Book and pay your $2 per person participant fee.